New white paper: Which low GWP option could be used for my refrigerant application?
Climalife UK
Climalife have launched a white paper, written for the UK market, entitled: Which low GWP option could be used for my refrigerant application?
With increasing pressure on our industry to be driving down the collective average GWP of the refrigerants in use, it can be a challenge to know which refrigerant will be best for a particular application.
In this new white paper, Climalife looks at how different low GWP refrigerants are likely to operate in various applications based on either theoretical cycle calculations or equipment manufacturers data, what standards and regulations apply and what is required for compliance with the standards and regulations.
Whilst there is no mandatory requirement to use very low GWP refrigerants in many applications, the F‑Gas tonnes CO2 equivalents (tCO2e) phasedown should strongly encourage the use of very low GWP options sooner rather than later.
The average refrigerant GWP needs to be around 300 and in new equipment, use of any refrigerant with a GWP significantly higher than these values should be considered at risk of not fulfilling the expected or desired lifetime of the equipment.
To find out more and download the white paper follow this link.