F Gas Solutions - The FREE mobile app for everyone!
Climalife UK
Refrigeration, air-conditioning, heating and renewable energy professionals – be sure to choose the right refrigerant according to F-Gas regulation 517/2014.
In 2014, our industry is once again facing the challenge of new developments, such as the end of reclaimed HCFCs and new F-Gas regulations.
F-Gas Solutions is a FREE smartphone app developed by Climalife, offering professionals in the fields of refrigeration, air conditioning, heating and renewable energy, simple and user-friendly assistance in dealing with new European regulation 517/2014 or “F-Gas II” that comes into force on 1 January 2015.
This mobile application provides a useful calculator that will tell you the GWP of up to 49 different refrigerants that may be used in an installation, as defined by the F-Gas Regulation. By entering the refrigerant charge in kg into the ‘App’ it will also tell you the CO2 equivalent Tonnes for that refrigerant and charge. These are two essential criteria under the new F-Gas regulation.
The “Climalife approved F-Gas solutions” module offers professionals information on the range of refrigerants available on the market and the solutions recommended by Climalife regarding F-Gas regulations for new and existing equipment.
Professionals will find a solution to suit their needs regardless of the type of application (air conditioning, heat pumps, domestic cooling, non-commercial refrigeration, transport/automotive), or the equipment chosen (Mono Split, hermetically sealed systems, centralised systems, etc.); be it new or existing.
The 49 refrigerants covered by this application include all commonly used fluids (HFC, HFO, hydrocarbons and others) with an ASHRAE number. New products and blends under development will be added as they are released on the market.
The "F-Gas solutions" application is available now on Google Play and the Apple Store for iPhone and iPad.
Read the new F-Gas solutions leaflet here »